Inspiration. Adventure. Connection.
Welcome to TORCH Dallas
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Explore the profound lessons hidden in Moses' recounting of the Israelites' 40-year journey
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Deepen your understanding and enhance your experience of Jewish prayer. Uncover the essence of...
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Experience the awe of the universe coming into being, from the first light...
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In-person Shabbat & High Holiday services specially designed for those who are not fluent in Hebrew
At TORCH Dallas, our mission is to enrich Jewish life in our community through inspiring events and programs that connect Jews with Torah and a higher purpose. Led by Rabbi Bentzi & Batya Epstein and Rabbi Binyomin & Kayla Epstein, TORCH Dallas is dedicated to serving Jews in the D-FW community and beyond.
TORCH Dallas shares a mission with TORCH, which was founded in Houston almost 30 years ago as a resource for learning and connection through a unique and non-judgmental approach to Jewish education. Learn more about TORCH at

Your support plays a crucial role in our mission to enrich Jewish life in our community and beyond, allowing us to continue building bridges and uniting Jews of all backgrounds. Our ongoing projects and initiatives include educational programs for men and women, hosting Shabbat meals, celebrating Jewish holidays and simchas, and supporting events that bring Jews together.
Visit our secure payment portal to contribute to TORCH Dallas.
Supporting TORCH Dallas
We’re building a vibrant, warm, and inspired Jewish community with two groups - CHVRA & EMBERS. CHVRA's programming and events are designed for young couples and families. EMBERS is our woman-led initiative bringing powerful women's programming to our community.

TORCH Dallas proudly sponsors Yeshiva Night, where individuals of all backgrounds and levels of knowledge can come together to engage in meaningful Torah study. Participants are provided with the unique opportunity to delve into Gemara and other seforim in a setting that is both welcoming and intellectually stimulating.
Yeshiva Night
Boys who complete the study of Mishnayos for their Bar Mitzvah receive a special gift from TORCH Dallas: a complete set of the Talmud. TORCH Dallas also recognizes students who excel in completing various tractates with other seforim, serving as an inspiration to continue their studies.
Seforim Giveaway
Rabbi Bentzi Epstein says that what guides him in this endeavor is a lesson from Maimonides: “He that enjoys their food on the holiday and doesn’t take care of the needy is not rejoicing with G-d. This is rejoicing with their stomach.” Via TJP
Moadim L’Simcha Food Distribution